2018 year in review
I don’t even know where to start with this post because this year has been BONKERS. I started off the year fairly new in my law of attraction journey and was devouring content like it was my job. We got married, traveled, learned a lot, and had so much fun. I left my corporate job, started a blog, Seb started his own business, and we’ve both grown a ton. Here’s a recap of some highlights month by month (though I’m sure the best stuff was in the details):
January: We took a cooking class and Seb read Journey of Souls which blew both our minds
February: We traveled to Barbados for the first time, we did a ton of wedding planning, Seb had his bachelor trip skiing and gambling in Ohio, I participated in What the Eff’s Actually I Can class
March: I went on my bach in New Orleans, we had our wedding party/shower, and Seb did a past life regression and got lasik
April: Full of wedding prep + planning up until the best party ever on the 28th
May: We honeymooned in Italy and I did a lot of soul searching about my job situation + life path
June: I tested a few energy healing modalities, we had my birthday weekend at the lake, and I put in my notice at my job
July: My first month not working full time. I was consulting, got a life coach, went horseback riding, helped a family friend shop at market in Atlanta, went on a winery weekend for a friend’s bachelorette, and did my own past life regression
August: Went to the mountains with friends, took a trip to Busch Gardens, started Flow with Intention Online with Jess Lively, found the Sagewood center, and started the early parts of the blog
September: Watched some football, celebrated Seb’s birthday with roller coasters and a Tedx conference, tiled our kitchen backsplash, and launched the blog
October: Finally announced the blog and went to a bunch of events (hockey, concert, workshops, TuesdaysTogether)
November: Lots of football + tailgates, practice being in front of and behind the camera, and took a trip to Boone.
December: Did some local Christmas shopping, went to Disney on Ice, had a Solstice celebration and lots of holiday parties to attend. Got a freaking ticket to Alt Summit + Alison’s Brand School for Christmas and I’m still not over it

I obviously had to consult my calendar to even remember all of that. It’s a little bit crazy to think about all the changes that I’ve gone through in the last year. The biggest difference truly is my emotional set point. I’m just so much happier. My anxiety is much lower. I enjoy my weekdays just as much as weekends. I don’t complain nearly as much. I have more faith that things are heading in the right direction. To be honest, I think I’m probably a much more pleasant person to be around – I know I at least enjoy my own company more.
It’s amazing what happens when you start paying attention to the thoughts you’re feeding yourself without even realizing it. It’s amazing that deciding to change those thoughts can literally change your whole life + your outlook on it. If you aren’t feeling excited about where you are + what’s coming, I’d really recommend checking out 30 days of growth. I know from experience that you can change your life if you’re willing + I hope that you do!