my newest love

I don’t think anyone who truly knows me will be surprised about this, but I have fallen in love with overalls. I knew it was bound to happen. My dad’s signature style is overalls. You know, the legit pointer brand ones that look like you should be working on the railroad. And they’re just so fun! But when they first came back in style, I looked and looked for the right pair and didn’t have much luck. Then I saw these. I asked for them for Christmas. And it’s true love, y’all. They’re so comfortable and practical. That front pocket is the best – it fits my phone perfectly. Also, THEY’RE FREAKING CUTE. I didn’t think about doing the tone on tone thing when I planned this outfit so the pictures don’t really do them justice, but there’s about 1 million ways to style them meaning they’ll likely make another appearance on here soon. I mean they work for all types of weather, they are practical, and they’re stylish. What’s not to love?

my newest love: overalls


I’m not sure why everyone and their mom doesn’t wear overalls. I’m now on the hunt for a nice oversized blue pair. And I’ve since rediscovered the pointer brand pair that my dad gifted me years ago and have started wearing them for our lake house renovations. Definitely not as cute, but just as practical! So who’s ready to give overalls a shot?