not sure about law of attraction? read this.
If you are a law of attraction skeptic, this one’s for you! In the past I’ve struggled with the concept of teaching others how to leverage law of attraction to manifest something specific - mostly because I didn’t have an awesome manifesting story myself. Yesterday that changed and I feel like I’d be doing you a disservice if I didn’t share it.
not sure about law of attraction? read this
I quit my job in July, started the blog in September and while I have no plans to stop writing, in January I was feeling a little tired of doing a job that was making little to no income. Don’t get me wrong, we don’t need the money. We’re blessed that Sebastian’s job more than takes care of our bills and fun spending with room to spare, but I want to be able to contribute to our family financially. In order to meet that need for contribution, I decided to get Kathrin Zenkina’s 21 Day Money Challenge book to work specifically on my money mindset.
I knew that my money mindset was already pretty healthy and that a lot of my specific money manifesting trouble had more to do with my beliefs about work than money itself, but I followed along with the prompts (not consistently because of traveling and the awful sickness afterwards) and focused on my work beliefs some as well. I was working towards manifesting $1000 specifically, but I always like to leave it open to even more if the universe can make that happen ;).
Through a very surprising turn of events ( a post for another day), we decided to quickly get our house on the market for sale last week. We’ve done a fair amount of work on it and knew we’d make a healthy profit, but we ended up listing for about $5,000 more than we would take for it just to see if we could get a little more than we think it’s worth. We had a handful of showings both Saturday and Sunday and felt good about getting offers, but still weren’t sure we’d get full asking price. Sunday afternoon during our open house we decided to go to a movie and when we got out, we had emails, calls and texts from our realtor. We called her back from the car and she asked if we were parked and then she said that we got a CASH OFFER FOR $20,000 MORE THAN ASKING PRICE. So factoring in the price that I bought the house for and how much over asking we actually got, I made almost a years worth of my previous salary is a single day. Someone literally flew in and offered us an extra $20,000 cash. If that doesn’t make you believe in law of attraction, I don’t know what will. Meanwhile, I’m on freaking cloud nine! More to come on our move but - spoiler alert - almost all our profits will go towards paying off both our cars and buying + fixing up an amazing new home. Can’t wait to share that process with all of you! If you have any questions or comments on manifestation or my process, feel free to leave them in the comment section below!